Welcome to Junction! We have put together this basic user guide to help you get started.


About Junction

Junction is a platform where individuals can share personal and professional interests and connect with their peers based on common interests. To add Junction to your Slack Workspace, click here. You'll need to allow Junction access to your Slack Workplace according to the specifications below -

Getting Started With Onboarding

The Junction Slackbot will prompt new users to create their profile. Once you click that link, you'll walk through the following steps to get started -

1) Confirm Information From Slack - Users will be able to update Name, Title, Department, and Location to ensure information has accurately transferred over from Slack.

2) Add Interests To Your Profile - Users will be able to add interests displayed as examples, search and find other interests, or create their own in the search bar.

Updating Your Profile

At anytime users can update their profile to add/remove interests by opening their profile and clicking "edit".

Messaging In Slack

To send a message to another user in Junction, access their profile and click "Send Message" and it will automatically launch a Direct Message space in Slack.

Creating Channels In Slack

Administrators can create Slack Channels for commonly noted interests by clicking the Gear Icon in the top right portion of their screen, highlighting the interest, and then clicking "Create Channels".